Gun Violence
Smarter solutions to gun violence among teens
NEWS: Attleboro mayor, police chief tout school gunshot detection system in wake of Texas tragedy
Smarter solutions to gun violence among teens - The Sun Chronicle
What If the Second Amendment Were Repealed? - Huffington Post
Guns and Politics and What Actually Reduces Gun Violence - Huffington Post
How To Reduce Gun Violence - Huffington Post
Should People on the No Fly List be Allowed to Buy a Rifle? - Huffington Post
Keep gun violence in perspective - Sun Chronicle
Why The Shootings Will Continue - Huffington Post
In the Gun Debate, Mental Illness Doesn't Predict Dangerousness - Huffington Post
Very well written. A lot of food for thought. - Bradley Kirkland -
Why School Shootings Won't Be Stopped - Huffington Post
Well, knock me over with a feather.... A Democrat politician in the deep blue state of Massachusetts that actually "gets it" and willing to go on the public record with the truth about gun control. He has earned my respect. - David Anderson -
Paul is my local rep an honest hard working man, 2nd amendment supporter and always available, he has earned my vote. He is also the only dem I will vote for this November. - Mike Case -
Another reader who was astounded that something like this actually exists on Huffpo. Not to mention a politician who actually seems to understand what the problem actually is. Very well done. - Baird Tarr -
Thank you for interjecting some fact into the argument. We don't see that much around here... - Joe Matthies -
Thank you Mr Heroux for this very well thought out article! Hit the nail on the head...hopefully someday soon people will start to look at the true science - Darin Loftis -
As a second amendment proponent this was a pretty good article quite fair. - John Cartwright -
An incredible post! I only hope it can take root somewhere. - Joe Glass -
Amazing... to fight gun crime requires.... fighting crime. Whoda thought? - William J Unverferth Sr. -
Mental Illness and Guns Aren't the Enemy: Ignorance Is - Huffington Post
The Correlation of Gun Laws and Gun Homicide - Huffintgon Post
Fighting Against Gun Crimes and for Gun Rights - Huffington Post
America's Violence Problem (and It's Not Just With Guns) - Huffington Post
Too bad this is on an obsure H-P page as it's the first piece of balanced sense I've seen on the whole discussion of the real problem in America. The obsession with violence. Nice Job
Unfairly Treated: Gun Owners and People With Mental Health Concerns - Huffington Post
Why Liberals (and Conservatives) Should Be Careful With Gun Laws - Huffington Post
Paul, I try to routinely read articles on, but most of the time I find myself reeling from the delusional conclusions drawn from available data, processed through irrational, and emotionally driven reasoning. I walk away in utter disbelief that anyone can genuinely come to many of the conclusions presented. It completely baffles me, and that is part of why I continue to read, hoping to better understand the liberal mind, hoping to be better equipped to help drive a forgotten word in our present politics, "consensus".
HOWEVER, I was absolutely delighted to read your article on how to approach gun laws! While you suggest that evidence based legislation is progressive, the concept has been a mainstay of every successful business for the last century. Not in legislation, but in operation. Business models, like "management by fact" are examples, but I'm sure you knew that already.
I completely agree with you that legislation, based predominantly on emotion and personal bias, without data, seriously erodes the credibility of the competence of those involved, regardless of their argument.
Thank you for being a voice of the general democrat populous, willing to bring balance to the unfathomably irrational presence so prevalent in the extreme mainstream liberal media outlets!! Very well stated article, I commend you. -- David S.
Gun Stories: How Cherry-Picking Hurts Both Sides of the Gun Debate - Huffington Post
You presented an outstanding article recently on Huffpost with regard to the gun control debate. Please attempt to get your message out to the policy makers in D.C, and the state capitals. I wish that President Obama, VP Biden, Sen. Fienstien, Gov. Cuomo and other would abosrb your message that the legitmate needs and concerns of all sides should be adequately taken into consideration. Keep up the good work. Best wishes and stay safe. -- Stephen C., Esq.
Do Gun Bans Work? - Huffington Post
Representative Heroux, We have never met before, and you are not my personal State Representative, however after reading your article today I have to say that I am truly impressed. That article displays what should be the attitude of every Rep., Senator, and other elected official. I am not huge into politics because truthfully lets face it, many politicians are merely pushing through their own agendas and the agendas of those supporting them. ... So I write this e-mail as a thank you, I hope that you bring this to the House and you push your ideals through. Evidence based laws tend to not take rights away from those that protect them. This country is full of illegal guns and regardless of what laws are passed, criminals tend not to follows them. Thank you for your bipartisanship displayed in this article. -- Sincerely, John B., Millis, Massachusetts
I'm an avid shooter, and have been shooting for many years. I'm a devoted republican that served in the military for twenty years. I read your article and strongly believe that too many individuals from both sides are making statements that are horribly inaccurate. We need to as one intelligent group of individuals, come up with laws and regulations that will benefit all. ... You seem to have the most level headed approach to resolving concerns and Its people like yourself and I that could make a difference. -- Gil M.
Pundits, Get Real! Not All Gun Crimes (and Solutions) Are the Same - Huffington Post
Dear Mr. Heroux, I have been following your OpEd’s and blog concerning gun issues. It is certainly refreshing to see someone taking a more realistic approach to the problems surrounding the issue, rather than a purely emotional one. Or even worse, start quoting the constitution, one way or the other. ... Thank you for bringing some sanity to the legislature, not more grandstanding and emotion. -- Ted R.